Source code for jetset.convert_qdp

#from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

#from builtins import (bytes, str, open, super, range,
#                      zip, round, input, int, pow, object, map, zip)

__author__ = "Andrea Tramacere"

import os
import sys
import glob

from .cosmo_tools import  Cosmo
from string import *
import math as m
from import fits as pyfits
import numpy as n


[docs] def check_is_number(t): try: float(t[0]) return True except ValueError: return False
#------ Main -------------- def main(argv=None,cmd_par=None): if cmd_par is None: argc=len(sys.argv) arg_list=sys.argv in_seds=arg_list[1:] else: argc=len(cmd_par) arg_list=(cmd_par) if '*' in arg_list[1]: in_seds=glob.glob(arg_list[1]) print (in_seds) print (arg_list) if argc==1: print("./ infiles.qdq") print("exmaple: ./ SED_Ciprini_v1/sed-*.qdp") print("input data are in obs rest frame, out data in src rest frame (z-corrected)") sys.exit(0) print (arg_list) comos_eval=Cosmo(units='cm') for sed in in_seds: do_convert(sed,comos_eval)
[docs] def do_convert(infile_name,cosmo_eval): infile=open(infile_name,'r') outfile_name=infile_name.split('.') outfile_name[-1]='dat' outfile_name=".".join(outfile_name) outfile=open(outfile_name,'w') obj_name=infile_name.split('/')[-1] obj_name=obj_name.split('.')[0] obj_name=obj_name.split('-')[1] inlines=infile.readlines() infile.close() print('# set_number: -1 hyst, 0 sym, 1 green, 2 blue ',file=outfile) print('# file_name ',obj_name,file=outfile) set_code={} UL_sets=[] for line in inlines: line=line.strip() if len(line)>0: tkn=line.split() #print tkn if tkn[0]=="!" and tkn[1]=='Redshift': z=float(tkn[3]) DL=cosmo_eval.DL(z) print('# z ',z,file=outfile) print('# DL(cm) ',DL,file=outfile) print('# restframe src',file=outfile) print('# dataScale log-log',file=outfile) for t in tkn: #print t if ('J' in t and '+' in t) or ('J' in t and '-' in t): name=t #print 'J' and '+' in t #print 'J' and '-' in t #print t print('# obj_name ',name,file=outfile) if tkn[0]=='col' and tkn[2]=='on': #print tkn,tkn[3:] for t in tkn[3:]: #print t,tkn[1],t=='2' #sym if tkn[1]== '2': set_code[t]='0' # elif tkn[1]=='15': set_code[t]='-1' #green elif tkn[1]=='3': set_code[t]='1' #blue elif tkn[1]=='4': set_code[t]='2' #UL if tkn[0]=='ma' and tkn[1]=='31': UL_sets=tkn[3:] print ("UL sets",UL_sets) print>>outfile,'#nu nuLnu dnu dnuLnu set_number ' set=1 #print set_code if z!=0.0: for line in inlines: print (tkn) tkn=line.split() if len(tkn)==2 and tkn[0]=='NO' and tkn[1]=='NO': #print tkn set+=1 #print>>outfile,"###############################" if check_is_number(tkn[0]): if float(tkn[0])>5: #print tkn nu_obs=pow(10,float(tkn[0])) dnu_obs=nu_obs*float(tkn[1]) nuLnu_obs=pow(10,float(tkn[2])) nu_rest=nu_obs*(1+z) log_dnuLnu_rest=float(tkn[3]) #!!! ASSUMES UL in FERMI if dy==0 #!!! for other data sets UL from set with ma=31 if nu_obs>1.0e22 and log_dnuLnu_rest==0.0: #print dnu_rest log_dnuLnu_rest=-1 for UL_set in UL_sets: if int(UL_set)==set: #print 'UL',UL_set,set log_dnuLnu_rest=-1 nuLnu_rest=nuLnu_obs*4*m.pi*DL*DL #errore relativo #dnuLnu_rest=nuLnu_rest*(float(tkn[3])) print(m.log10(nu_rest),m.log10(nuLnu_rest),0,log_dnuLnu_rest,set_code['%s'%set],file=outfile) #print outfile,nu_rest,dnu_rest,nuLnu_rest,dnuLnu_rest outfile.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": main()