.. _cosmology: Choosing a cosmology model ========================== Since the new implementation allows to switch on the fly from the ``src`` to the ``obs`` frame, we need to define a cosmolgoy model in order to evaluate the luminosity distance also for dataset independently from the Jet model. This is implemented in usign the astropy cosmology subpackaged https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/cosmology/ Moreover, this allows also to change easilyt the cosmology used for the Jet model, passing a specifc cosmology model form astropy .. code:: ipython3 import jetset print('tested on jetset',jetset.__version__) .. parsed-literal:: tested on jetset 1.2.2 .. code:: ipython3 from jetset.cosmo_tools import Cosmo c=Cosmo() the defualt comoslogy is .. code:: ipython3 c .. parsed-literal:: FlatLambdaCDM(name="Planck13", H0=67.8 km / (Mpc s), Om0=0.307, Tcmb0=2.725 K, Neff=3.05, m_nu=[0. 0. 0.06] eV, Ob0=0.0483) you can choose a different cosmology model from astropy eg .. code:: ipython3 from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cw c=Cosmo(astropy_cosmo=cw) .. code:: ipython3 c .. parsed-literal:: FlatLambdaCDM(name="WMAP9", H0=69.3 km / (Mpc s), Om0=0.286, Tcmb0=2.725 K, Neff=3.04, m_nu=[0. 0. 0.] eV, Ob0=0.0463) or you can set directly a luminosity distance in cm .. code:: ipython3 c=Cosmo(DL_cm=1e28) .. code:: ipython3 c .. parsed-literal:: cosmology is not defined, the luminosity distance has been set to 1e+28 cm IF you don’t choose a cosmology model, the default one will be used (``FlatLambdaCDM(name="Planck13", H0=67.8 km / (Mpc s), Om0=0.307, Tcmb0=2.725 K, Neff=3.05, m_nu=[0. 0. 0.06] eV, Ob0=0.0483)``). Changing cosmology model in data -------------------------------- .. code:: ipython3 from jetset.data_loader import Data from jetset.data_loader import ObsData from jetset.cosmo_tools import Cosmo from jetset.test_data_helper import test_SEDs c=Cosmo() data_table=Data.from_file(test_SEDs[1]) sed_data=ObsData(data_table=data_table,cosmo=c) Changing cosmology model in Jet models -------------------------------------- .. code:: ipython3 from jetset.jet_model import Jet my_jet=Jet(cosmo=c) or for already built models .. code:: ipython3 my_jet.cosmo=c