What's new in version 1.2.2 =========================== bug fixing ---------- - hadronic pp: the grid for the equilibrium evolution was not starting from gmin=1, but from the lowest energy of the secondary - temporal evolution: in the light curves with crossing time, the `(1+z)` factor term was missing in the times column Introduction of a class for galactic objects (beamed and unbeamed) ------------------------------------------------------------------ This class is useful for PWN, SNR, or jetted galactic objects It is still preliminary, and will be improved soon See this section of the user guide :ref:`galactic_guide` quantile confidence range for MCMC plots ----------------------------------------- The MCMC plot method now accepts quantities for model confidence band eg: .. code-block:: python mcmc.plot_model(sed_data=sed_data,fit_range=[1E11, 2E27],size=100,quantiles=[0.05,0.95]) What's new in version 1.2.1 --------------------------- Introduction of depending pars ----------------------------------- Model parameters can be linked via functional dependence. See this section of the user guide :ref:`depending_parameters` Temporal Evolution ----------------------------------- The python interface to perform self-consistent temporal evolution of leptonic emitters under acceleration and cooling has been added. See this section of the user guide :ref:`temp_ev` Hadronic pp emission ----------------------------------- The python interface to perform self-consistent temporal evolution of leptonic emitters under acceleration and cooling has been added. See this section of the user guide :ref:`hadronic_pp_jet_guide` Theoretical background for SSC model ------------------------------------ A detailed explanation of the theoretical background for SSC/EC model has been added. See this section of the user guide :ref:`ssc_th_bkg` Emitters distributions ----------------------------- The emitters distribution has be improved. See this section of the user guide :ref:`custom_emitters_guide` EBL absorption ----------------- linking of parameters has been updated See this section of the user guide :ref:`ebl_model` Plugins ----------------- - JetSeT plugins to Sherpa (:ref:`sherpa_plugin`, :ref:`sherpa_minimizer_plugin`) - Gammapy plugin (:ref:`gammapy_plugin`)